CADENAS Konstruktions-, Softwareentwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Spieß
NameCADENAS Konstruktions-, Softwareentwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
AbbreviationCADENAS GmbH

Programs (status 23/03/2021)

Name eCATALOGsolutions
Program type CAD
Description eCATALOGsolutions ist eine Softwarelösung für Hersteller von Norm- und Kaufteilen zur Erstellung, Verwaltung und Vermarktung von Elektronischen CAD Produktkatalogen
VDI3805/02 Heating valve assemblies (closed interface)
VDI3805/03 Heat generators (closed interface)
VDI3805/04 Pumps (closed interface)
VDI3805/05 Air openings (closed interface)
VDI3805/06 Radiators, heating and cooling convectors (closed interface)
VDI3805/14 Ventialtion and air-conditioning silencer (closed interface)
VDI3805/16 Fire protection / smoke dampers (closed interface)
VDI3805/23 Residential and compact ventilation equipment (closed interface)
VDI3805/29 Pipes, canals and fittings (closed interface)
VDI3805/35 Dampers, blinds and volume flow control units (closed interface)
Program type CAD
Description bietet Komponentenherstellern die Möglichkeit, Planern und Architekten hochwertige Multi CAD BIM Daten für gängige CAD Systeme wie Revit, ARCHICAD, ALLPLAN, Vectorworks, Tekla und Sketchup zur Verfügung zu stellen.
VDI3805/02 Heating valve assemblies (closed interface)
VDI3805/03 Heat generators (closed interface)
VDI3805/04 Pumps (closed interface)
VDI3805/05 Air openings (closed interface)
VDI3805/06 Radiators, heating and cooling convectors (closed interface)
VDI3805/14 Ventialtion and air-conditioning silencer (closed interface)
VDI3805/16 Fire protection / smoke dampers (closed interface)
VDI3805/23 Residential and compact ventilation equipment (closed interface)
VDI3805/29 Pipes, canals and fittings (closed interface)
VDI3805/35 Dampers, blinds and volume flow control units (closed interface)
Name PARTsolutions
Program type CAD
Description PARTsolutions dient Ingenieuren und Einkäufern in vielen Unternehmen als leitendes Softwaresystem zum Verwalten und Finden von Eigen-, Kauf- und Normteilen.
VDI3805/02 Heating valve assemblies (closed interface)
VDI3805/03 Heat generators (closed interface)
VDI3805/04 Pumps (closed interface)
VDI3805/05 Air openings (closed interface)
VDI3805/06 Radiators, heating and cooling convectors (closed interface)
VDI3805/14 Ventialtion and air-conditioning silencer (closed interface)
VDI3805/16 Fire protection / smoke dampers (closed interface)
VDI3805/23 Residential and compact ventilation equipment (closed interface)
VDI3805/29 Pipes, canals and fittings (closed interface)
VDI3805/35 Dampers, blinds and volume flow control units (closed interface)
Program type CAD
Description ist die visuelle Suchmaschine der nächsten Dimension, die Milliarden von 3D CAD & BIM Modellen in hunderten weltweit verfügbaren Herstellerkatalogen durchsucht.
VDI3805/02 Heating valve assemblies (closed interface)
VDI3805/03 Heat generators (closed interface)
VDI3805/04 Pumps (closed interface)
VDI3805/05 Air openings (closed interface)
VDI3805/06 Radiators, heating and cooling convectors (closed interface)
VDI3805/14 Ventialtion and air-conditioning silencer (closed interface)
VDI3805/16 Fire protection / smoke dampers (closed interface)
VDI3805/23 Residential and compact ventilation equipment (closed interface)
VDI3805/29 Pipes, canals and fittings (closed interface)
VDI3805/35 Dampers, blinds and volume flow control units (closed interface)


Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Spieß

BDFederation of German Heating Industry

Federation of German Heating Industry
Frankfurter Straße 720-726
51145 Köln
Telefon: [+49] (0) 22 03 9 35 93 - 0
Fax: [+49] (0) 22 03 9 35 93 - 22