EDV-Software-Service GmbH & Co KG Elias Brunner
NameEDV-Software-Service GmbH & Co KG

Programs (status 25/08/2022)

Name AX3000
Program type Calculation, Simulation
Description AX3000, die 3D Bausoftware für alle Gewerke der Gebäudetechnik (Lüftung, Heizung, Sanitär & Elektro) und Bauphysik (Energieausweis & Gebäudesimulation) inklusive integrierter Berechnungen, als schnittstellenfreies Plugin für Allplan, AutoCAD und BricsCAD.
VDI3805/02 Heating valve assemblies (closed interface)
VDI3805/03 Heat generators (closed interface)
VDI3805/04 Pumps (closed interface)
VDI3805/05 Air openings (closed interface)
VDI3805/06 Radiators, heating and cooling convectors (closed interface)
VDI3805/17 Potable water fittings (closed interface)
VDI3805/18 Embedded surface heating/cooling (closed interface)


Elias Brunner ebrunner@ax3000-group.at

BDFederation of German Heating Industry

Federation of German Heating Industry
Frankfurter Straße 720-726
51145 Köln
Telefon: [+49] (0) 22 03 9 35 93 - 0
Fax: [+49] (0) 22 03 9 35 93 - 22